Saturday, November 1, 2014

Man On Fire

I saw the move Man On Fire recently on DVD from Netflix.  I've seen it before and remembered it was a fun action film, starring Denzel Washington and Christopher Walken. Watching it agains was very enjoyable.  I did not remember it had Dakota Fanning.  I was so impressed with the film that I purchased the novel on which it was based, Man on Fire by A.J. Quinnell.  The book is out of print, but is available through Amazon.  The book was a page turner!  In the book, the hero, Creasy, is ex-Foreign Legion instead of ex-CIA and the setting is Italy instead of Mexico.  The Creasy character was great.  I purchased the sequel book, The Perfect Kill by A.J. Quinnell and found it to be a page turner as well.  I've now  ordered the third book in the series. If you like action/adventure books, you might enjoy Quinnell.
