David Canright got a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA. Then he got a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Canright taught at Northwestern University before becoming a mathematics professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Here is his Curriculum Vitae from the internet: http://faculty.nps.edu/drcanrig/cv.pdf
Here is his web page from the Naval Postgraduate School: http://faculty.nps.edu/drcanrig/
Here is his personal web page, largely related to his interests in music: https://sites.google.com/site/davidrcanright/
He is mentioned in this pdf
Mathematica Militaris
from Westpoint. There is an article, The History of Mathematics at the Naval Postgraduate School by Dr. Carlos F. Borges (NPS), within this PDF and Dr. Canright is briefly mentioned.I have a bachelor's in Mathematics and a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering, so I felt an affinity for Dr. Canright. I thought about getting a doctorate, but decided to change fields and get a master's in Electrical Engineering instead.
It is a pleasure to me to know there are other Canrights around the country. If you are a Canright, I hope you enjoyed learning about another Canright.