Saturday, June 13, 2020

Robert Canright's Communications Strategy

Dear Friends, Neighbors, and Family,
I am making a small change in how I communicate.  As many of you are aware, I post articles and essays on the internet in a set of blogs. 

Since everyone is using Facebook now, and many people use Twitter, my new strategy is to notify through Twitter and Facebook that I have published an article in a blog.  I plan to use the same notification in Twitter and Facebook so you only need to use one to be alerted.  I will also bring to your attention an occasional article from the Wall Street Journal, Epoch Times, or New York Times that you might find interesting.  My plan for Twitter is to  a very streamlined and compact presentation for your convenience; I will do this by not "Liking" other tweets, and by not re-tweeting.   So if you go to Twitter and search "@RobertCanright" then you will only find links to my articles.  If you look for me on Facebook then you will find I am not the only Robert Canright in America.  This is my Facebook:

Here are the blogs I write.  I invite you to go and look, browse.
Plano Parents
Robert Canright's Personal Blog
Texas Ascendant
Canright on Software and Programming

I should explain the Texas Ascendant blog: the idea behind it, and some tips on how to read it.  It is multi-threaded.  A thread is a series of related posts.  It has 12 years of articles.  I have organized sets of articles as projects.  If you read the introductory article you will see I started writing after the economic meltdown of 2008, often called the sub-prime mortgage crisis or the Great Recession.  It actually has many names.  Wikipedia calls it the Financial crisis of 2007–2008
Here is the introductory article to Texas Ascendant:
What is Texas Ascendant?
Here is the list of projects within Texas Ascendant:

I write because the articles and op-ed pieces in all the major papers are not very good, not helpful.  There has been a noticeable decline in objectivity and quality, deteriorating steadily over the last 20 years.  Our society is complex and there are enormous pressures upon our society.  I work hard to make sense of the complexities in our society:  the turmoil and conflict, the repeated economic and political crises.  I share with you what I perceive and hope my thoughts and observations might be a help to you.

Your friend and neighbor,
Robert Canright

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